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Sunday, September 18, 2011

NFL Sunday

The Fall season can be characterized by many things: crisp leaves, briskness in the air, and of course, football.  Spending Sunday's vegged out in front of the tv with family and friends is such a natural part of this time of year. 

Today, being a normal Sunday I spent my early afternoon watching Packer football.  However, instead of muting the commercials I paid attention to them and came across something interesting.

Nearly every advertisement was for one of three things: Food/Beer, Cars, or Movies.  All directed toward men.  Food commercials were all unhealthy foods like Pizza Hut and Doritos.  An ad for say, Yoplait Yogurt would never be seen during this time slot because the target audience would be completely missed. 

All of the commercials, especially those for beer, focus largely on manliness and masculinity.  It's all about "being a man."  The campaigns are all neglecting women and are assuming that men watch more football than woman.  My personal favorite was by Miller Lite.

The tactic must work because companies have been doing the same thing for years and years.  Commercials aimed at men appear on sports networks and on game day while those aimed at women most likely occur on The Cooking Channel or on networks like Lifetime.  Apparently the content of the ad is only as important as who the ad is targeted to.

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